Energy Healing is Therapy


Having worked for several years with a therapist, I’ve witnessed profound changes in my life  and have a deep appreciation for its effectiveness. But I also know that there’s a limit to what it can doTalk therapy can delve deep – but only as deep as our conscious mind will allow.

This is where other types of therapy, including energy work, come in. 

Energy work heals at a deeper level, and can access those unconscious beliefs, preverbal memories, and residual trauma stored in the body rather than the mind. 

Energy Healing is incredibly effective at targeting and healing these wounds. Energy work makes the unconscious conscious, and can act as the equivalent of “miracle grow” for conventional forms of therapy.

If therapy or other forms of healing have stalled for you, or if you are looking to add a complementary type of treatment, consider booking an Energy Healing Session with me. 

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